They harvested bright Swiss chard, French beans, runner beans, carrots,
courgettes/marrows plus a green salad of lettuce and rocket supplemented by a
few tomatoes grown by the Glasshouse team.
Kate whipped up a winner of a stir fry for everyone to try. It wasn’t
all noshing, they earnt their lunch by weeding, removing old plants, watering
and tidying the patch. As they say, ‘no such thing as a free lunch’…
Then we took the group for a walk past Jim’s burgeoning veg
patch to a new plot hidden from view in the cottage’s garden. The veggie beds
there were pretty much good to go thanks to the work of the hardy team and a
little hoeing and light digging soon had the patch ready to receive its first
sowing of seeds with our group. It was a perfect day to enjoy the Garden and
scrump a few raspberries – well, who could resist that?!
We hope to use the new patch with lots of different audience
including school children, teacher training as well as our adults with learning
Thanks to Paula Simmonds from the Oxfordshire Skills and
Learning Service, our course tutor Anne Freeman plus Linda Pedersen and Linda
Lawes our indispensable volunteers for all their help and support through the