Feeling the icy winds of February?
Take a trip around the
World to discover something new about the producers who grow some of our favourite
staple crops. Fairtrade Fortnight runs until 8th March and if you have a chance,
come into the Garden to see the display on the producers of our tea, cocoa and
The Fairtrade foundation have also produced a very moving film about how
Fairtrade business and specifically the Fairtrade premium paid to Fairtrade
Co-operatives has helped to transform thousands of precarious lives around the
World. See it here: http://fortnight.fairtrade.org.uk/
You may not know (I didn’t until I started reading about
it!) that co-operatives in receipt of the Fairtrade Premium (which is paid on
top of the ‘fair’ price producers receive for their crops) vote on how that money is best spent. It could be used to build
infrastructure and resources of benefit to the whole community such as the provision of school buildings, medical clinics, ambulances, roads, clean water
supplies or sometimes something apparently quite humble like bicycles that
allow local children to travel longer distances to attend their schools, or
literacy classes for the adults in the co-operative.
It’s easy in the supermarket to look at the few pennies more
that Fairtrade products may cost but now I try to look at the products on display
and try to imagine that hands that have raised these plants, tended them,
watered and weeded them and the better lives they are striving towards for their
Families a little closer to home joined us last Wednesday to
help make giant tropical fruits, a tropical rainforest vine covered in leaves,
plus had a chance to sketch a sumptuous, fruity still life in the Conservatory.